Saturday 20 November 2010

On inspiration

Inspiration is the mother of creativity i.e. the ability for creation and comes through the unification of what appear to be two opposite forces.

Darkness and light,
Feelings and thoughts,
Female and male,
Pleasure and pain,
Bad and good
Matter and energy
Particles and waves
Individual and outside world
and so on,

These appear as opposites because the observer is attached only to one or the other.  Inspiration is nothing other than the sudden synthesis or the merging of these two forces into a Singularity.  The internal transformation that results through this merging creates something new in a moment that is out of time. The internal Singularity seeks to express itself externally and is manifestated as the act of creation.

Inspiration is an esoteric activity i.e. it happens internally.  The word literally means the act of internal breathing i.e. in - spiration.*

No one can be more disillusioned than someone who seeks to be inspired by things external to his own self.  But similarly no-one can be more disillusioned than one who seeks to be inspired by his own self should he have not allowed himself to realise what one is.

This apparent duality is the impediment to creation and is removed in an instance through understanding that we are not our feelings or thoughts, the inside or outside, woman or man but simply the transient function or interrelationship of the two that are represented through what can be termed as the Experience i.e. simply what is.  Each one has its own Personal Experience but at its core what experience is remains the same for all i.e. like infinite differently sized circles plotted on the same centre.

Nothing more can be said about this and it is up to the reader to realise the truth of it.  Someone who is reading this now and thinks s/he understands should be cautious to distinguish understanding from realisation.  Realisation is merging together understanding with non-understanding which produces the Personal experience out of which inspiration flows. Realisation of one's Personal experience based on another's expression can never be original.

Only through realisation of the Experience, inspiration can come and take us out of the infinite loop of mere repetition and imitation into the act of creation.

* It is difficult not to notice here the great similarities of the act of divine creation with the the actual etymology of the word inspiration. The Judeo-Christianic story of divine creation depicted god (or the creator, the father etc.) as breathing life into adam (the son of god) in an act of in-spiration. 

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